
Distance: 13.1km (8.14 Miles)
Ascent: 120m (394ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 30 Minutes

The second walk of today and it was a much longer one around Weybourne and Kelling Heath. The original plan was to do two walks at this end and then stop at Beeston Bump on the way back but we changed our minds and walked Beeston first.

The North Sea at Weybourne. The path I was following for the first section is the Norfolk Coast Long Distance Path.

East towards Sheringham.

That tiny raised grass area is actually called Gramborough Hill... I think its only 12m high...

Lovely small lake on the way to Kelling Heath.

Rich colours at Kelling Heath.

There really are some lovely views to be had in North Norfolk!

Thats Weybourne Mill over to the left and just below me is the North Norfolk Steam Railway.

Weybourne closeup.

And a wide shot looking to Weybourne.

The line of the Steam Railway. Great views from the train ride I think!

Weybourne Mill.

A lovely little pond at Kelling Heath.

North Norfolk Steam Railway station at Weybourne.

Weybourne Priory Ruins.

Not as much remains from this Priory than the one earlier at Beeston but it was still lovely to see.


Strumpshaw Fen


Beeston Bump