Beeston Bump

Distance: 4.8km (2.98 Miles)
Ascent: 70m (230ft)
Duration: 1 Hour 20 Minutes

A little trip up to North Norfolk today as the weather was lovely and the terrain is a little steeper up that way!

The North Sea at Sheringham.

Our approach to Beeston Bump.

The view back down the path from where we came from and a view west down the coast almost as far as Blakeney Point.

The summit even has its own Trig Column... not a bad view from a hill only 63m high...

The view east along the coast.

A panorama from the top of Beeston Bump.

Crossing the railway and heading for the ruined Priory.

The remains of Beeston Priory.

Lovely ruins - just imagine what it was like 800 years ago...

A Great Tit collecting food for its young.

A Speckled Wood Butterfly on the way back to Sheringham.




Malham Cove