Stock Ghyll & Aira Force

Distance: 3.4km
Time: 1 Hour 45 Minutes

After stopping in Ambleside to get a few bits from the shops we both decided to have a little stroll over to the nearby waterfalls. Later that day we headed over to Ullswater to visit Aira Force too.

Stock Ghyll. Very little water flowing today, similar to Skelwith Force.

Stock Ghyll. Very little water flowing today, similar to Skelwith Force.

Long exposure photo of the water flowing over the dam.

Long exposure photo of the water flowing over the dam.

The top two waterfalls that makes up Stock Ghyll Force.

The top two waterfalls that makes up Stock Ghyll Force.

Stock Ghyll Force from one of the viewing spots on the other side of the beck.

Stock Ghyll Force from one of the viewing spots on the other side of the beck.

And a final wide shot of the waterfalls.

And a final wide shot of the waterfalls.

After a 40 minute or so drive we arrived at Aira Force Car Park and headed along the tourist path to the falls. This is Aira Beck.

After a 40 minute or so drive we arrived at Aira Force Car Park and headed along the tourist path to the falls. This is Aira Beck.

A top view down on Aira Force.

A top view down on Aira Force.

Aira Force waterfall.

Aira Force waterfall.


Pavey Ark


Skelwith Force & Loughrigg Tarn