
Distance: 18.0km (11.18 Miles)
Ascent: 1178m (3865ft)
Duration: 5 Hours 20 Minutes

There was something on the forecast today that is rarely seen 'Cloud top 750m'. This took me out to Ennerdale and up Steeple and across to Caw Fell to get in two new Wainwrights and hope to get above the clouds...

Dull and grey as I walk along the track on the north side of Ennerdale Water. The photo shows Anglers Crag and most of Ennerdale Water.

4km in and there is a open view down the full length of Ennerdale Water. From here on I was lost in the cloud.

Is the sun breaking through? Or and I about to?

And like magic the blue skies and sun appeared and I got a good view up the ridge I was following to Steeple.

And the cloud comes back in to block the views, but gives a great atmosphere.

Caw Fell peeping above the cloud.

Beautiful clouds and sunshine.

An HDR showing the final part of the ridge up to Steeple. What a day this has turned out to be!

Broken Spectre.

Just by the summit of Steeple now. Not quite sure what the mountain to the right is, the left one I think is Skiddaw.

Broken Spectre again.

The ridge down from Steeple - the way I came up.


Steeple summit cairn.

Pillar and Black Crag. Time to head up to Scoat Fell.

Steeple from the edge of Scoat Fell. I think that's Grasmoor in the background.

The lower cairn on Scoat Fell.

From the very top you can see right down to the ocean of cloud over the sea.

Black Crag and Pillar.

Scoat Fell cairn.

The Scafells well above the cloud.

Steeple, and two lovely people I spoke to when we were walking over Lingmell.

Scoat Fell from the path up to Haycock.

Steeple... Possibly one of my favourite fells.

Haycock summit cairn.

Paving stones on Caw Fell?

Caw Fell summit. On the way down I was lost in the cloud once more until I got to the 250m contour and it was dull and grey as before.

Except there was blue skies and sunshine down Ennerdale.


Barf & Lords Seat


Green Crag, Harter Fell & Hard Knott