Green Crag, Harter Fell & Hard Knott

Distance: 18.7km - 11.61 Miles
Ascent: 1274m (4180ft)
Duration: 5 Hours 40 Minutes

After some heavy rain in the last couple of days, the ground was going to be soaking wet. And it really was... Before I even set out I admitted defeat by saying 'Im going to have wet feet today... very wet feet' and by doing so I really enjoyed just ploughing through the bogs and rivers.

The Woolpack Inn at Eskdale.

Crossing the River Esk just before I start the steep ascent to Birker Fell.

Low cloud through Eskdale.

Hardknott Pass.

Eskdale - just before I was lost in the cloud.

A ruined building on the way to Green Crag - I assume it might be to do with mining?

Low Birker Tarn almost completely lost in the cloud.

A slight break allowed for a clear photo on an Ancient Cairn just off the path.

Green Crag summit cairn.

Just to show how wet the ground was - and it was like this for about 70% of todays walk...

A little view again showing Dow Crag to the right (not the wainwright one).

The small cairn on Harter Fell just next to the Trig Column.

Harter Fell summit. The highest point is the rocky tor just behind.

One of the rocky tors on Harter Fell.

The small top of the highest tor.

And looking down to the trig column from the highest point.

Hardknott Roman Fort from the descent to Hardknott Pass.

The northern end of the Duddon Valley.

Hard Knott.

Wrynose Pass.

Hardknott Roman Fort - the bath houses to the bottom left.

The summit of the pass.

The Duddon Valley with a cloud topped Caw, and Stickle Pike to the far right.

Hard Knott summit cairn with Esk Pike and Bowfell behind.

Esk Pike and Bowfell.

A close up of Bowfell.

Esk Pike, Bowfell and Crinkle Crags.

Cloud covered Scafells.

Upper Eskdale.

Now descending Hardknott Pass to the fort.

The bath house.

The Granaries.

Eskdale from the fort.

The sign states that the wall below the horizontal slate slabs it all original Roman Wall - anything above has been reconstructed from fallen remains - which means that probably 80%+ is original.

Its a tough route to drive!

Bowfell at the head of Eskdale.




Beda Head to the Nab