Skiddaw and Skiddaw Forest

Distance: 17.0km (10.56 Miles)
Ascent: 940m (3084ft)
Duration: 4 Hours

The main aim for todays walk was to see Skiddaw House properly as I have never walked close to it so what better than to go via Skiddaw and Bakestall.

Fairly early morning looking to the North Western Fells. I was early enough to get myself a parking space... something people had great trouble with once I had returned.

Fairly early morning looking to the North Western Fells. I was early enough to get myself a parking space... something people had great trouble with once I had returned.

Derwent Water now in view and you can see the car park to the left starting to fill up.

Derwent Water now in view and you can see the car park to the left starting to fill up.


Hindscarth and Robinson backed by the mighty Pillar.

A calm looking Derwent Water. After taking this picture I continued up to Skiddaw Little man and then onto Skiddaw itself.

A calm looking Derwent Water. After taking this picture I continued up to Skiddaw Little man and then onto Skiddaw itself.

Bassenthwaite Lake from the top of Skiddaw.

Bassenthwaite Lake from the top of Skiddaw.

Can anyone tell me what use this fence is? The gap at the bottom is at least 1m high...

Can anyone tell me what use this fence is? The gap at the bottom is at least 1m high...


Bakestall Summit Cairn.


And a lovely view from the lower cairn to the north. Binsey is the small peak just off centre right.


And here looking to Great Cockup and Meal Fell.

The awesome Dead Crags and Binsey from the Cumbria Way just above Whitewater Dash.

The awesome Dead Crags and Binsey from the Cumbria Way just above Whitewater Dash.


Skiddaw House and Lonscale Pike - I'm parked about 1 mile (as the crow flies) the other side of Lonscale Pike.


Great Calva from Skiddaw House.


And YHA Skiddaw House itself. It was really strange to see a building like this literally in the middle of nowhere... Must be a good place to stay for a couple of nights.

The Glenderaterra Valley with Lonscale Pike to the right. I continues to follow the Cumbria Way along the edge of Lonscale Pike (You can just make out the path in the centre) back round to Underscar.

The Glenderaterra Valley with Lonscale Pike to the right. I continues to follow the Cumbria Way along the edge of Lonscale Pike (You can just make out the path in the centre) back round to Underscar.

Lonscale Pike. It looks nearly impossible to climb from this side, but from the top there are several obvious route following small ridges to the top.

Lonscale Pike. It looks nearly impossible to climb from this side, but from the top there are several obvious route following small ridges to the top.


The beautiful Glenderaterra Valley looking to St Johns in the Vale.


Scale Force and Crummock Water


Binsey Wild Camp