Skelwith Force & Loughrigg Tarn

Distance: 4.24km (2.63 Miles)
Ascent: 110m (361ft)
Duration: 1 Hour 11 Minutes

Lakeland scenery at its very best...

Skelwith Force.

The Langdale Pikes.

Following the track towards Elterwater. My first time ever along this path.

Beautiful sunshine this afternoon.

A stunning view over Elterwater.

And a close up of the Langdale Pikes.

Now heading over to Loughrigg Tarn.

Loughrigg Tarn.

Loughrigg Fell.

A beautiful scene today.

A scene that brings back memories of when I was a child. Great family holidays right here.

The cross by the shore.

A view back to Loughrigg Fell.

Simply breath-taking. One of my favourite views in the Lakes.

One of the best views in Lakeland?... I think so!

A final shot of Loughrigg Tarn and the Langdale Pikes.


Grange Fell


Silver How