Grange Fell

Distance: 4.53km (2.81 Miles)
Ascent: 329m (1079ft)
Duration: 1 Hour 32 Minutes

A short walk to the top of Grange Fell.

The old packhorse bridge in Watendlath.

Watendlath Tarn.

Dodd and the Ullock Pike to Carl Side ridge on Skiddaw.

Half a view of Watendlath Tarn.

A view of the Central Fells.

Great Crag.

The summit of Grange Fell.

This time looking north to Skiddaw.

Base Brown and Great Gable.

This time Great End leading to Scafell Pike.

Pike O'Stickle with the Coniston Fells in the distance.

Castle Crag.

Borrowdale and the tiny village of Rosthwaite.

Final view of Watendlath Tarn. I really need to come here when the sun is shining!


Lodore Falls


Skelwith Force & Loughrigg Tarn