Newland Valley

Distance: 10.2km (6.33 Miles)
Ascent: 220m (722ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 5 Minutes

The cloud base was very low today so instead of heading up and having no views at all, I opted for a low level walk around the Newlands Valley.

Portinscale suspension bridge.

Snowdrops out in Portinscale.

Nichol End marina - Latrigg over to the left.

Following the Cumbria Way towards the base of Catbells.

A group of people standing on the summit of Catbells which is almost lost in the low cloud. I was tempted to head up to Catbells but decided against it in the end as the weather was closing.


Skelgill Bank and Catbells.

Rowling End and what would be Causey Pike but its completely shrouded in cloud.

Catbells disappearing behind a shower.

The snowdrops are in full bloom here at Little Braithwaite!


Hartsop Above How to Little Hart Crag


Base Brown & Green Gable