Base Brown & Green Gable

Distance: 9.5km (5.9 Miles)
Ascent: 820m (2690ft)
Duration: 3 Hours 30 Minutes

Time to get a new Wainwright in today so I headed down to the end of Borrowdale to summit Base Brown leaving only 13 left...

Base Brown - seen from the very start of the walk - and todays main target.

Sourmilk Gill descending in a series of waterfalls and cascades from Gillercomb.

Seathwaite and Borrowdale.

Cascades along Sourmilk Gill.

Slow shutter speed waterfall.

This rather large chunk of tree must have come down when we had the strong winds a while back.

The top of Sourmilk Gill.

The hanging valley of Gillercomb and the towering Raven Crag.

Base Brown summit cairn.

Great End and the Scafells from Base Brown.

Distant Blencathra just touching the cloud. Now... do I do up to Green Gable - seeing as it was free of cloud, why not!

Base Brown from the path up to Green Gable.

Sunshine on Glaramara to the east.

A view down to the Buttermere valley and beyond to Scotland.

The beautiful Ennerdale Valley from Green Gable - Pillar to the left and High Stile to the right.

Great Gable.

Green Gable summit cairn.

Crummock Water, Low Fell, Fellbarrow and in the far distance; Scotland.

The Langdale Pikes.

Descending Aaron Slack to Styhead Tarn.

Styhead Tarn and Great End. From here I simply followed the footpath down to Stockley Bridge and back to Seathwaite.


Newland Valley


Clough Head & Great Dodd via Fisher’s Wife’s Rake