Langdale Pikes

Distance: 8.45km (5.51 Miles)
Ascent: 921m (3022ft)
Time: 3 Hours 10 Minutes

The Langdale Pikes via Jacks Rake has been playing on my mind again recently (even though I went up this way back in November) and the weather was great for it today.

The first waterfall you come to along Stickle Ghyll.

The top of Harrison Stickle to the left and Tarn Crag (Not the Wainwright one) to the right.

I planned to get here early enough to miss the crowds of people heading up this way. Unfortunately I started the walk about an hour later than planned but managed to pass everyone on the way up.

Stickle Ghyll.

Pike How and Lingmoor Fell.

Pavey Ark over Stickle Tarn.

Harrison Stickle - the highest of the pikes at 736m.

Harrison Stickle from the inlet of Bright Beck.

Pavey Ark and my route up the lose scree to Jacks Rake - the ledge you can clearly make out up the cliff.

The very start of Jacks Rake.

Two climbers only about 40ft above me.

This has to be one of the best scrambles in the Lake District.

Bit of a narrow ledge and a heck of a drop!

Sitting on the edge. I passed these guys several times today, once here, once at the top of Harrison Stickle, and once on Pike O'Stickle.

Pavey Ark summit.

Harrison Stickle from Pavey Ark.

Thunacar Knott - my next peak.

Sergeant Man - that’s somewhere I've not been for years!

Thunacar Knott summit cairn.

A view across the summit tarn to the lower cairn. Its looking pretty cloudy to the north!

Pike O'Stickle and Bowfell.

Pavey Ark and Stickle Tarn.

Harrison Stickle summit - and believe it or not as soon as the two gents I saw earlier left I had the top to myself for about 5 minutes!

A close up of Pike O'Stickle.

And a wide shot also showing Bowfell, Great End and Great Gable.

And the reverse - Harrison Stickle from Pike O'Stickle.

Great End, Allan Crags, Great Gable and Glaramara from Pike O'Stickle.

Harrison Stickle and Loft Crag.

Time to head over to Loft Crag.

Loft Crag summit looking to Harrison Stickle. I spent about 10 minutes up here speaking to a group of people and pointing out some of the nearby fells. Their route was to head over to Pike O'Stickle and then over to Sergeant Man and onto Tarn Crag.

Crinkle Crag and Bowfell. The ridge leading up to Bowfell in the foreground is The Band.

The very steep slopes of Pike O'Stickle.

Steep sides at the start of Dungeon Ghyll.

Very little flowing today - not surprising as we've only had a little rain in the last week.

The view back up to Harrison Stickle.

Dungeon Ghyll Force. I think its about a 70ft single drop.

And a final view up Dungeon Ghyll.
The car park was totally full when I got back down and all the campsites on the way home were chocker too!


Uldale Fells

