Hallin Fell

Distance: 1.62km (1 Mile)
Ascent: 160m (525ft)
Duration: Wildcamp

Tonight’s plan was to do a wildcamp high up in the fells around Satura Crag but arriving in Martindale I found out the snow line was far lower than I thought it would be and the only fell below was Hallin Fell so I headed up to see the sunset and camped just on the summit.

A view down Martindale to The Nab - a peak I plan on doing tomorrow!

A view down Martindale to The Nab - a peak I plan on doing tomorrow!

Another view from higher up.

Another view from higher up.

Hallin Fell summit, only half a mile from the car.

Hallin Fell summit, only half a mile from the car.

Sun setting behind the clouds. It was shortly after taking this I had to hurry and set up the bivi as a rain cloud was inbound! I managed to set up just in time but still got soaked… not what you want on a wild camp. Lesson learned!

Sun setting behind the clouds. It was shortly after taking this I had to hurry and set up the bivi as a rain cloud was inbound! I managed to set up just in time but still got soaked… not what you want on a wild camp. Lesson learned!

A sunrise like this between Bonscale Pike and Cross Fell makes it all worth it.

A sunrise like this between Bonscale Pike and Cross Fell makes it all worth it.

Sunrise at the summit.

Sunrise at the summit.

Plenty of snow on the high summits this morning. The forecast is for a warm sunny day so most will probably melt!

Plenty of snow on the high summits this morning. The forecast is for a warm sunny day so most will probably melt!



A superb start to the day - time to do a 13 mile hike over 6 wainwrights…

A superb start to the day - time to do a 13 mile hike over 6 wainwrights…


Martindale Round

