Dale Head & Hindscarth

Distance: 7.89km (4.9 Miles)
Ascent: 561m (1841ft
Duration: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Today we had the Via Ferrata booked at Honister for 1pm so had a free morning to head out on a fell walk. I needed to redo a few fells around Honister so we headed up Dale Head and then onto Hindscarth making it down to Honister for noon.

Honister Slate Quarry just below as we head north up the fell side.

Honister Crag. We will be up there later today but for now its up the other side of the valley.

Looking east towards Glaramara.

Great End and Scafell Pike.

A slightly wider shot showing Bowfell and Esk Pike also.

Pillar beyond the stack that leads up to the quarry and large spoil heap.

The breathtaking view down the length of the Newlands Valley from the top of Dale Head.

A view across to Hindscarth.


Distant Blencathra.

Dale Head summit.

The summit cairn and view north.

After the summit we descended down Hindscarth Edge offering us this superb view of Buttermere and High Stile with Pillar just to the left.

A view back to Dale Head and you can just make out the cairn on the summit.

High Spy on the other side of the valley.

Looking across to the north western fells like Crag Hill and Grasmoor.

Skiddaw from the summit of Hindscarth.

And Blencathra.

Hindscarth summit cairn.

High Crag, High Stile and Red Pike.


Walking back to Dale Head.

The Newlands Valley as we head back up to Dale Head.

A final view of Newlands as we descend back to Honister.


Stoke by Nayland


Taylorgill Force