Malham Cove

Distance: 5.23km (3.25 Miles)
Ascent: 160m (525ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 5 Minutes

The weather turned on us on the last day and the Lakes had a fair amount of snowfall down to about 400m so we decided to make a few stops on the way home. The first was a little walk through White Scar Caves and the second was a walk at Malham. I have wanted to go to Malham Cove for many years but never managed to get there and I must say it is one of the most magical places I have yet visited!

his is my first ever visit to Malham Cove and to be honest I didn't really know what to expect other than I knew it was a cove... That is Malham Cove directly ahead.

And again in close up. Its hard to judge scale from this far away.

Following the path right into the cove.

It really is an amazing place to visit and I can say it wont be long until I'm back here.

Some climbers giving the overhanging wall a sense of scale.

I think I might have to make a trip here climbing soon too (after checking the grades, not a chance!)

Climbers in Malham Cove.

Sunshine and Blue Sky.

The view back in the direction of Malham village.

Gaining some height to get onto the top of the cove.

Lovely views of the Yorkshire Dales - I think this is the first ever walk I have done in the Yorkshire Dales.

The Limestone Pavement on top of Malham Cove.

The cove from the top.

Some of the cove was closed to climbers as Peregrine Falcons nest here.

Well... I've never seen anything like this before - the Limestone Pavement and the Cove below made us feel like we had walked into a fairytale land or something!

Thats the route of the Pennine Way as it heads towards Malham Tarn.

The Limestone Pavement.

And again from higher up. From here we simply followed a footpath down to a road and back into Malham.


Beeston Bump


Raven Crag