Thurne from Repps

Distance: 10.0km (6.21 Miles)
Ascent: 35m (115ft)
Duration: 3 Hours 15 Minutes

A walk from Repps to Thurne through the fields and back along the river.

The path I took across the fields allowed for some views over to Potter Heigham staithe.

The path I took across the fields allowed for some views over to Potter Heigham staithe.

Thurne Dyke.

Thurne Dyke.

Thurne Mill.

Thurne Mill.

From the mill I followed the river all the way to Potter Heigham

From the mill I followed the river all the way to Potter Heigham.

The medieval bridge at Potter Heigham.

The medieval bridge at Potter Heigham.


Kayaking from Horning


Potter Heigham & Candle Dyke