Potter Heigham & Candle Dyke

Distance: 8.4km (5.22 Miles)
Ascent: 30m (98ft)
Duration: 3 Hours 15 Minutes

A walk from Potter Heigham to Candle Dyke via Hickling Broad and part of the Weavers’ Way.

The path from Potter Heigham Church towards Hickling Nature Reserve.

The path from Potter Heigham Church towards Hickling Nature Reserve.

The entrance to the reserve.

The entrance to the reserve.

All wet and boggy near the path.

All wet and boggy near the path.

Recent dredging has oepned up the dyke.

Recent dredging has opened up the dyke.

Rush Hill - which is obviously not a hill but a scrape (shallow pool) for wading birds.

Rush Hill - which is obviously not a hill but a scrape (shallow pool) for wading birds.

The bird hide overlooking Rush Hill.

The bird hide overlooking Rush Hill.

Recent new boardwalks to avoid the worst of the mud.

Recent new boardwalks to avoid the worst of the mud.

Candle Dyke.

Candle Dyke.

A popular spot for fishing along here.

A popular spot for fishing along here.

Martham Level drainage mill.

Martham Level drainage mill.

High’s Drainage Mill.

High’s Drainage Mill.


Thurne from Repps


Skelwith Force