Sour Howes and Sallows

Distance: 8.56km (5.32 Miles)
Ascent: 560m (1837ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 40 Minutes

An unexpectedly sunny walk on Sour Howes and Sallows from Troutbeck.


A familiar sight, and as I remember, yesterdays weather was near enough the same!


This is unexpected - sunshine! Here looking to the slopes rising up to Wansfell.


Water droplets on the grass as we walked up Garburn Road.


A hint of blue sky and a rainbow in the direction of Troutbeck Tongue.


Troutbeck Tongue close up and all the colours of the rainbow.

The bright sunshine didn't last very long, the higher we got the worse the weather became... This photo showing the first steep section of ascent.

The bright sunshine didn't last very long, the higher we got the worse the weather became... This photo showing the first steep section of ascent.

Sunshine on the tongue.

Sunshine on the tongue.

And the opposite direction showing Dubbs Reservoir and a long section of Windermere.

And the opposite direction showing Dubbs Reservoir and a long section of Windermere.

A close up of Dubbs Reservoir just under a mile away.

A close up of Dubbs Reservoir just under a mile away.


And a wide shot showing Windermere.

A little sunshine over Bowness and Belle Isle 6.6km away.

A little sunshine over Bowness and Belle Isle 6.6km away.

Heading across to Sallows after visiting the summit of Sour Howes (I forgot to take a picture of the summit).

Heading across to Sallows after visiting the summit of Sour Howes (I forgot to take a picture of the summit).


Sallows summit is just a grassy bump, but offers lovely views south.


The Kentmere valley to the east. Taken from Sallows.

And the opposite direction, here looking to Windermere and Sour Howes. From here we headed almost due north to reach Garburn Pass.

And the opposite direction, here looking to Windermere and Sour Howes. From here we headed almost due north to reach Garburn Pass.

On the descent we were treated to some more beautiful sunshine. I do love the weather when its like this, the photos and views make it all worth while.

On the descent we were treated to some more beautiful sunshine. I do love the weather when its like this, the photos and views make it all worth while.


Still lots of cloud around though so its not going to last much longer.


Red Screes peaking over the slopes of Wansfell.

Troutbeck Church just near the car park.

Troutbeck Church just near the car park.


Skelgill Bank


Troutbeck Tongue