Skiddaw via The Edge

Distance: 14.2km (8.82 Miles)
Ascent: 839m (2753ft)
Duration: 6 Hours

Being up here with family, we had arranged to have a single morning out on the higher fells and originally this was going to be Helvellyn via Striding Edge but a change of plan meant that Skiddaw via The Edge was the mountain. The weather was meant to be stunning but sadly the cloud never lifted from the summit until lunchtime.

Early morning near Bassenthwaite. It was 06:45.

Beautiful Bassenthwaite Lake from the start of The Edge.

Out path up leading into the cloud and Ullock Pike.

The cloudy summit of Ullock Pike.

Long Side summit.

Carl Side summit.

The route passes Carl Side Tarn, which I think is the only tarn on the Skiddaw Massif.

Skiddaw Trig Point at 931m asl. From here we headed north towards Bakestall.

Finally popped out of the cloud with a view to Bakestall.

Looking across to Blencathra (in the cloud) and Lonscale Pike (the pointed peak).

Bakestall summit cairn.

And again looking back up to Skiddaw just as the cloud starts to lift.

My brother in law and sister enjoying the sunshine and view north.

The far northern fells of the Lake District.

Blencathra free of cloud.

On the way down we passed Whitewater Dash (Dash Falls) so the drone came in very handy here for a photo!




Ling Fell