
Distance: 11.9km (7.39 Miles)
Ascent: 1059m (3475ft)
Duration: 4 Hours 10 Minutes

The forecast was for the could to clear and by the afternoon and exceptionally clear air so it was up high again today. Unfortunately the forecast was very wrong but the walk was still great.

Heavy snow flurries as I walk up to Underscar Car Park.

The monument near Underscar Car Park.

The way up Skiddaw.

And where I've just come from.

Frozen fences along Jenkin Hill.

And again in black and white. You can see how poor the visibility was, which only got worse.

The cairn on Skiddaw Lesser Man. The walk up to this point was interesting to say the least. It was a total whiteout with snow waist deep in many places. It was tough going!

The trig column on Skiddaw.

And the view pillar. Nothing to see today though.

The shelter, completely full of snow.

Carl Side summit cairn.

The Sun! Where have you been?!

Clearing clouds as I descended down to White Stones.

White Stones.

Derwent Water and Swinside between the clouds.


Red Pike


Scafell Pike & Great End