
Distance: 12.1km (7.51 Miles)
Ascent: 873m (2864ft)
Duration: 3 Hours 25 Minutes

After days of rain and wind there was a bit of a break today and the sun came out for a bit. I was down near Wasdale today to get some new wainwrights in - down to single figures now!

'Britain’s Favourite View'

Buckbarrow (the last Wainwright on todays walk) from the road at the beginning of the walk.

Greendale Gill.

Buckbarrow again from much higher up. I really wish I cleaned the lens at the bottom. I didn't realise there was a great big finger print on the glass... Sorry!


Middle Fell summit cairn with Yewbarrow, Kirk Fell and Great Gable behind.

A superb view towards Kirk Fell, Great Gable and Yewbarrow.

En-route to Seatallan. From this point I was wondering how steep this side of the fell is...

Red Pike and Low Tarn.


Cloud free Great Gable over the Yewbarrow ridge.

Broad Crag, Scafell Pike and Sca Fell.

Middle Fell and Greendale Tarn.

The weather really has turned out nice today - I'm glad to have left this walk for today!

Slightly cloudy summit of Seatallan.

The ancient cairn transformed into a wind shelter.

The cairn on Cat Bields. Although you cant really see the view too well in the photo this is like the last high outpost before the lands slopes down to the sea.

Glade How with a view back to Seatallan.

And finally the cairn on Buckbarrow. This one is on the highest point but I also went over to the cairns on the two rocky crags behind the cairn in the photo.

Buckbarrow summit - looking back to Seatallan.

The huge gully with a very steep drop. I think Sean from went down this way... Not for me today!

The Scafells and Wasdale Screes from one of the cairns of Buckbarrow.

Whin Rigg and Illgill Head - The Wastwater Screes.

Scafell Pike and Sca Fell.

And again - this time in a wide shot showing the slope of Middle Fell to the left.


Wastwater Screes panorama.

Greendale Gill.

Greendale sign - marking the end of the walk. But I couldn't resist a last walk down to the lake as the weather was so nice.

Screes and Lake in mono.

A much brighter and colourful scene compared to earlier today.


Sale Fell


Hartsop Above How to Little Hart Crag