Rydal Water

Distance: 6.75km (4.19 Miles)
Ascent: 200m (656ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 30 Minutes

There were two walks planned for today and the first was to complete a short circuit around Rydal Water. The weather was glorious and so were the views from such a low level - the bluebells were also lovely to see.

Sitting for a moment to enjoy the sunshine at Rydal Hall.

Waterfall at Rydal Hall - now on with the walk around the lake.

The first view of Rydal Water and the side of Loughrigg Fell from the Coffin Route towards Grasmere.

And again from slightly further along the Coffin Route. The reason it is called the Coffin Route is because people used to carry coffins between Rydal and Grasmere for burial.

Great Carrs puts in an appearance around the side of Loughrigg Terrace.

A wide shot showing Rydal Water and Loughrigg Fell. You can see the peaks of Wetherlam, Swirl How and Great Carrs in the distance.

Wetherlam, Swirl How and Great Cars over Dow Bank.

Crossing the River Rothay.

Millions of Bluebells in the woodlands west of Rydal Water.

An endless carpet of Bluebells.

Getting all arty with the shots of the Bluebells!

Rydal Water just before we joined the path that takes us down to the lakeshore.

Rydal Water and Nab Scar.

A lovely panorama of Rydal Water and Nab Scar.

The shores of Rydal Water looking west towards Silver How.


Raven Crag


Caudale Moor