Redgrave & Lopham Fen

Distance: 5.48km (3.40 Miles)
Ascent: 10m (33ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 10 Minutes

Today I met up with some friends who live up in Norfolk for a short walk around Redgrave and Lopham Fen, a nature reserve owned by Suffolk Wildlife Trust.

The start of the walk followed the Angles Way, a Long Distance path from Great Yarmouth to Thetford (and one that is on the list to do!).

The lovely Fen.

A view back from where we came from.

Alice posing for a photo.

Nick and Alf in a tree!

An insect on the water surface. No idea what it is… it was about 1cm long.

Common Buzzard flying overhead.

Lots of Siskins in the trees.

And a Robin singing in the tree.

Greylag Geese in one of the many ponds.


Fountains Abbey

