Mam Tor
Distance: 11.1km (6.89 Miles)
Ascent: 501m (1644ft)
Duration: 3 Hours 25 Minutes
The last day in the Peak District for a short while so it was time for a short walk up to Lords Seat and Mam Tor - again in the driving wind and heavy rain. Lets just say I was a little bit soaked!
An ancient Tumulus on the way up to Lords Seat.
And another Tumulus - this one was on the very summit of Lords Seat. I'm going to guess that this one has something to do with the fort on Mam Tor as on a clear day I think they would be able to see each other.
A small cairn on top of the Tumulus on Lords Seat.
One part of the huge ditch around the fort on Mam Tor.
The western end of the Vale of Edale.
Winnats Pass.
The summit trig column on Mam Tor.
The path down which joins the ridge route we did a couple of days ago to Lose Hill.
We are now very wet as the heavens opened for the rest of the walk back down to Edale from Hollins Cross.