Lonscale Fell

Distance: 6.83km (4.24 Miles)
Ascent: 502m (1647ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

A great, but rather cold walk on Lonscale Fell.

Looks like heavy rain towards Helvellyn.

Looks like heavy rain towards Helvellyn.


A wider shot showing the rain moving in.

All the rain looks rather heavy over there, we had only light showers on Lonscale Fell.

All the rain looks rather heavy over there, we had only light showers on Lonscale Fell.


Derwent Water, the Vale of Keswick and the North Western Fells.

Cloud up on Skiddaw from Flag Pots.

Cloud up on Skiddaw from Flag Pots.

Lonscale Fell summit.

Lonscale Pike summit cairn.

Lonscale Pike summit cairn.


The view to Skiddaw House and Great Calva from Lonscale Pike.


Looking down the east face of Lonscale Fell.

An atmospheric scene from Lonscale today.

An atmospheric scene from Lonscale today.

Thirlmere and Steel Fell.

Thirlmere and Steel Fell.


A section of Scotland across the sea.

And the Isle of Man over that way.

And the Isle of Man over that way.

Lonscale Fell summit on the way back - Scotland behind.

Lonscale Fell summit on the way back - Scotland behind.

A panoramic photo of the high peaks of lakeland.

A panoramic photo of the high peaks of Lakeland.


Glencoyne Fells


Great Crag