Long Melford

Distance: 7.68km (4.76 Miles)
Ascent: 65m (213ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 30 Minutes

Having to keep local to do a walk I chose to walk around the neighbouring village of Long Melford. All the snow has now melted as it was a lovely warm sunny day.

Holy Trinity Church in Long Melford. 15th Century and Grade I listed.

Holy Trinity Church in Long Melford. 15th Century and Grade I listed.

The Avenue down to Kentwell Hall.

The Avenue down to Kentwell Hall.

A small pond in Kentwell Park.

A small pond in Kentwell Park.

A weir over the River Stour.

A weir over the River Stour.

Liston Church

Liston Church.

The River Stour and a short section of the Stour Valley Path.

The River Stour and a short section of the Stour Valley Path.



