Distance: 7.51km (4.66 Miles)
Ascent: 81m (266ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 45 Minutes
Well, with Lockdown happening several weeks ago it makes it hard to really get out and do some good walking! I spent some time looking on the map and planning a series of local walks to places I’ve never been to before or not seen in many years. As a challenge to keep us all fit a group of us at work have set ourselves a challenge to walk 144km in March - the length of Hadrian’s Wall.
Glemsford Church in the snow. We have had a decent amount of snow recently, and being at work all week I was worried I might miss it! Thankfully I hadn’t!
Gentle rolling countryside around Stanstead.
Monks Hall.
A little valley on the northern end of the village had plenty of snow!
Signs of Spring!