Ling Fell

Distance: 3.75km (2.33 Miles)
Ascent: 242m (794ft)
Duration: 49 Minutes

Again its been a while since I've been out on the fells but I had time to get out after work today.

A sunlit Sale Fell from the roadside above Brumston Bridge.

The Embleton valley.

Sale Fell and the huge bulk of Skiddaw as a backdrop.

Elva Hill - if you look closely by the wind turbines you can see the ancient stone circle.

The Embleton Valley before the final climb to the summit.

Nice and clear today with the Isle of Man clearly in view.

Dramatic sky from Ling Fell. The Isle of Man to the bottom left.

Criffel over Elva Hill and Embleton.

Silhouetted trig column.

Ling Fell summit.

And the cairn about 50m from the trig.


Ben Nevis


Catbells to High Spy