
Distance: 2.23km (1.39 Miles)
Ascent: 107m (351ft)
Duration: 46 Minutes

The start of a great week in the lakes has to begin with a spectacular view and there is little better in the Lake District for the same small amount of effort than Latrigg summit.

A view back along the constructed path to the Car Park and Blease Fell on Blencathra. Thats Great and Little Mell Fells over to the right in the distance.

Skiddaw looks fantastic from this perspective.

The mighty Helvellyn Range starting with Clough Head to the left, leading up to Great Dodd and over several other summits to Helvellyn on the right.

The spectacular view down to Keswick and Derwent Water from the bench on Latrigg.

Skiddaw seen from the same place.

The actual summit of Latrigg looking east. In the far distance you can make out the Pennines and Cross Fell.

Little lambs on Latrigg.


Loughrigg Fell and Caves


Sheringham Park