Kings How

Distance: 4.65km (2.89 Miles)
Ascent: 431m (1414ft)
Duration: 1 Hour 40 Minutes

An evening stroll up to Kings How.

Heading along the path to the Bowderstone there is a view up to Low Scawdel to the right.

Heading along the path to the Bowderstone there is a view up to Low Scawdel to the right.

The infamous Bowderstone.

The infamous Bowderstone.

Castle Crag and the River Derwent.

Castle Crag and the River Derwent.


A large cave on Castle Crag with someone taking a look.


The glorious Borrowdale.

Castle Crag. The cave I took a picture of is the one just below the centre of the photo.

Castle Crag. The cave I took a picture of is the one just below the centre of the photo.


Sergeants Crag, High Raise and the easily identifiable Pike O'Stickle.


The small summit cairn and grand view from Kings How.


Derwent Water and Skiddaw from Kings How.


Keswick and Skiddaw.


A quick view back to Castle Crag just as it starts to rain a little.


Looking up to the craggy north face of Kings How.


A large cave on the north face of Kings How.

Spotted you! Just as I was parking the car I saw two Deer just a couple of metres from me but annoyingly I wasn't quick enough to get a photo, but this time I was ready before she even noticed me.

Spotted you! Just as I was parking the car I saw two Deer just a couple of metres from me but annoyingly I wasn't quick enough to get a photo, but this time I was ready before she even noticed me.

Another cave, this one just near the Bowderstone Car Park, and it is one of the most eerie places I have ever been... It might have been because it was evening, but I had the definite feeling of someone watching me.

Another cave, this one just near the Bowderstone Car Park, and it is one of the most eerie places I have ever been... It might have been because it was evening, but I had the definite feeling of someone watching me.


Dale Head


Scale Force and Crummock Water