High Rigg Wild Camp

Distance: 3.5km (2.17 Miles)
Ascent: 200m (656ft)
Duration: Overnight Wild Camp

It was time for another Wild Camp as the weather is meant to deteriorate so we stayed local but headed up to a fell we've not been up for a while; High Rigg.

Foxglove in the evening sunshine.

Foxgloves in the evening sunshine.


Beautiful clear skies towards Blencathra (Behind the tree!)


We followed the path behind the seat just near St Johns in the Vale church.

Looking down to the seat with Low Rigg behind, and Skiddaw and Lonscale Fell behind that.

Looking down to the seat with Low Rigg behind, and Skiddaw and Lonscale Fell behind that.

Castlerigg Fell and Dodd Crag.

Castlerigg Fell and Dodd Crag.

Dodd behind Latrigg, the sun was starting to get fairly low by this point, should get some good photos in about an hour.

Dodd behind Latrigg, the sun was starting to get fairly low by this point, should get some good photos in about an hour.


The steep north face of Clough Head.

And the summit of High Rigg, looking south to Thirlmere.


And looking to Threlkeld Knotts and Clough Head.

Good view from inside the tent? I think so!

Good view from inside the tent? I think so!


Enjoying the views from High Rigg summit.

The beautiful sunset.

The beautiful sunset.

Near enough the same photo as earlier but with the sun setting in the distance.

Near enough the same photo as earlier but with the sun setting in the distance.

Morning panorama of Skiddaw and Blencathra

Morning panorama of Skiddaw and Blencathra.


Fusedale Round


Lonscale Fell Wild Camp