High Rigg

Distance: 6.44km (4.0 Miles)
Ascent: 204m (669ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 2 Minutes

Having just arrived close to the Lakes to finish the walk along Hadrian’s Wall I had a spare night so decided to meet up with my Sister and do this walk up High Rigg before doing a wild camp later tonight on the summit of another peak.

Skiddaw and Lonscale Fell from the start of the walk.

Blencathra just behind the trees.

High Rigg not far ahead. We followed the road which bypasses the white house and then up to the track on the far left.

Now on the track and looking back to Grisedale Pike.

St Johns Church.

The magnificent Blencathra. That is where I will be sleeping tonight… on the top of that.

Skiddaw over Low Rigg.

Looking into the Glenderaterra Valley to Great Calva with Lonscale Pike up to the left. Thats Tewet Tarn just at the bottom.

The summit of High Rigg.

Looking south along High Rigg to Steel Fell and Thirlmere. Up to the left is Helvellyn and over to the right is High Seat.

Descending along the wall with Yew Crag to our left (where we saw a few climbers) and a view to Bleaberry Fell.


Blencathra via Sharp Edge (Wild Camp)


Win Hill