Blencathra via Sharp Edge (Wild Camp)

Distance: 18.4km (11.42 Miles)
Ascent: 841m (2759ft)
Duration: Overnight Wild Camp

The plan all along was to Wild Camp somewhere in the Lake District tonight but I hadn’t settled on a location until late into the afternoon. I met up with my sister earlier to do a walk and looked across the valley from High Rigg and thought… Perhaps I will camp up there? I checked the weather and set my goals on Blencathra. As it turned out, it was an EPIC trip to the summit via Sharp Edge and a breathtaking sunset. Take a look at the video for the full experience!

Heading up the side of Souther Fell with a wide open view over to the Far Eastern Fells.

Zooming in on High Street and Ill Bell.

The summit of Souther Fell.

Souther Fell summit looking to Blencathra. I’m planning on camping on the slight depression between the two summits on Blencathra.

A distant view to the central lakes. That’s Crinkle Crags, Bowfell, Esk Pike, Scafell Pike, Lingmell and Great Gable.

A slight glimpse of Catstye Cam and Helvellyn.


A cairn on Souther Fell with a grand view to Blencathra.

Zooming in on Sharp Edge and my path along the fellside below. I was going to decide on the route of ascent when I get to Scales Tarn.

A view back to Souther Fell.

Sitting on a rock below Sharp Edge. The rock was dry and wind was calm. Lets go this way…

An aerial photo of Sharp Edge, can you see me on the edge?

Sharp Edge.

Looking down Sharp Edge. Once at the top I set up camp by the small tarn and then headed for the summit as the sunset was looking spectacular.

On the summit of Blencathra at Sunset.

Enjoying the sunset.

Looking south along the Helvellyn range with the first fell being Clough Head.

The stunning view from Blencathra.

A panorama from the summit.

My camp spot after getting up in the morning. It was cold and windy up here but the sun was out.

The summit of Atkinson Pike looking to the top of Blencathra.

Early morning mist and cloud.

Mungrisedale Common, a peak I will no walk over to.

High Pike and Carrock Fell surrounded by many other peaks.

The cairn on Atkinson Pike looking to Pillar, the High Stile Range and Crag Hill in the North Western Fells.

Scotland beyond Great Calva.


The western fells of Pillar, High Stile and Red Pike with Hindscarth and Robinson in front.

The cairn on Mungrisedale Common.

Mungrisedale Common looking to Skiddaw.

Bowscale Fell (to the right) where I will be later and Carrock Fell left.

High Pike.

Me standing on the summit of Mungrisedale Common.

Early morning sunshine on Blencathra but shading this side of Sharp Edge.

An aerial photo of Sharp Edge.

Sharp Edge.

Blencathra and Sharp Edge.

And again as I continue to make my way to Bannerdale Crags.

Bannerdale Crags summit looking to Blencathra.

Now on Bowscale Fell looking to Bannerdale Crags and Blencathra.


Lonscale Fell with Crag Hill behind.

Cross Fell across the Eden Valley.

Bowscale Fell summit shelter.

Descending into Bannerdale with Bannerdale Crags across the valley.

Bannerdale Crags and its long ridge.

A final view back to Bannerdale Crags and The Tongue (a subsidiary of Bowscale Fell).




High Rigg