Hickling Broad

Distance: 2.8km (1.74 Miles)
Ascent: 5m (16ft)
Duration: 2 Hours

We were up in Norfolk for a day and headed over to the NWT Hickling Broad reserve as we have been told Swallowtail Butterflies were about and we had a good chance to see them!

A Little Egret in one of the pools.

Marsh Harrier flying over the reedbed.

Coot with babies.

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly.

A Painted Lady.

Another Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly.

Managed to capture a Hummingbird Hawkmoth.

Another Painted Lady.

Finally managed to spot some Swallowtail Butterflies and spend about 20 minutes getting photos and videos of them!

One of my favourite’s of it.


Bamford & Stanage Edge

