Herefordshire Beacon

Distance: 5.0km (3.11 Miles)
Ascent: 357m (1171ft)
Duration: 1 Hour 38 Minutes

I had just arrived in Worcestershire for a little trip away and wanted to do a little walk so Herefordshire Beacon was a perfect choice!

British Camp Reservoir HDR. Later on the walk I will be follow the skyline from left to right.

A view across Worcestershire over to Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds.

The Shire Ditch running across Hangman's Hill.

Clutter's Cave.

A view up to Millennium Hill.

The Malvern Hills.

Herefordshire Beacon from Millennium Hill.

Beautiful evening sunshine on the Malvern Hills.

Worcestershire Beacon.


Worcestershire Beacon


Weavers Way - Part 2