Great Calva

Distance: 16.6km (10.31 Miles)
Ascent: 655m (2149ft)
Duration: 3 Hours 45 Minutes

A superbly sunny day in the northern fells as I head up Great Calva for the first time.

I've had this walk planned for ages now as it is the last of the Northern Fells. Today when I set off I thought it was going to be a viewless day but was I wrong or what!

I've had this walk planned for ages now as it is the last of the Northern Fells. Today when I set off I thought it was going to be a viewless day but was I wrong or what!


Sunshine warming up the Glenderaterra Valley.


And a view back showing how much cloud there was about.

From here on the cloud broke up and I was blessed to see lovely open blue skies. I was also very happy to see Great Calva ahead free of cloud.

From here on the cloud broke up and I was blessed to see lovely open blue skies. I was also very happy to see Great Calva ahead free of cloud.


What a surprise it was to have weather like this. It really made the walk enjoyable today.


Skiddaw and Skiddaw House YHA.


Great Calva.

A small amount of cloud on top of Skiddaw as I ascend the wet path to Great Calva. You can see the path (looks more like a bog) in the bottom left.

A small amount of cloud on top of Skiddaw as I ascend the wet path to Great Calva. You can see the path (looks more like a bog) in the bottom left.

A view down the 'trough' over High Rigg, past Thirlmere to the distant fells beyond.

A view down the 'trough' over High Rigg, past Thirlmere to the distant fells beyond.


The lower cairn on the south side of Great Calva.

And the summit cairn on Great Calva with Carrock Fell beyond.


The cloud descending on Skiddaw.

Skiddaw House YHA and Lonscale Pike.


Crossing Dead Beck.


The late afternoon sunshine on Clough Head.


And a final photo of the sun starting to set over the Western Fells and Latrigg. Derwent Water to the left.


Lank Rigg via Grike & Crag Fell

