Ennerdale Water

Distance: 12.1km (7.52 Miles)
Ascent: 417m (1368ft)
Duration: 3 Hours 5 Minutes

The aim for today was to complete the Mosedale Horseshoe at Wasdale and summit the mighty mountain of Pillar, but en-route to Wasdale I changed my mind for some unknown reason and completed a circuit of Ennerdale Water instead.

After only a couple of minutes walking from the car park you arrive at the Weir on the far western edge of Ennerdale Water. From here I turned left and followed the waterside path all the way around.

After only a couple of minutes walking from the car park you arrive at the Weir on the far western edge of Ennerdale Water. From here I turned left and followed the waterside path all the way around.


A close up of Anglers Crag.


Calm waters. Just before taking this photo I saw a red squirrel - the first I have ever seen in the wild!

The mighty Pillar - the original goal for today.

The mighty Pillar - the original goal for today.

Anglers Crag and Crag Fell.

Anglers Crag and Crag Fell.

Bowness Knott. Throughout this whole walk I couldn't help but think that little Bowness Knott reminds me so much of Rannedale Knotts when I was walking around Crummock Water a while back.

Bowness Knott. Throughout this whole walk I couldn't help but think that little Bowness Knott reminds me so much of Rannerdale Knotts when I was walking around Crummock Water a while back.


A view back to Crag Fell.

And a view up Ennerdale with Pillar on the right.

And a view up Ennerdale with Pillar on the right.

A close up of Pillar, perhaps it was good that I didn't go that way today...

A close up of Pillar, perhaps it was good that I didn't go that way today...


Red Pike and the High Stile Ridge.


Ennerdale Water from the path below Anglers Crag.


The Weir at the outflow of Ennerdale Water.


Walla Crag


Dale Head