St Sunday Crag

Distance: 16.7km (10.38 Miles)
Ascent: 1142m (3746ft)
Duration: 6 Hours

A long walk up to St Sunday Crag via Birks and Arnison Crag from Patterdale.

Arnison Crag from the A592.

Arnison Crag from the A592.

Place Fell across Patterdale rooftops.

Place Fell across Patterdale rooftops.

Ullswater from Oxford Crag.

Ullswater from Oxford Crag.


Close up of Ullswater with Great Mell Fell in the distance.

Sheffield Pike and Glenridding Dodd.

Sheffield Pike and Glenridding Dodd.

Birks and Black Crag across Glenmara Park.

Birks and Black Crag across Glenmara Park.

Birkhouse Moor, Sheffield Pike and Glenridding Dodd catch some of the sunshine.

Birkhouse Moor, Sheffield Pike and Glenridding Dodd catch some of the sunshine.

The summit cairn on Arnison Crag.

The summit cairn on Arnison Crag.

Ullswater and the summit cairn.

Ullswater and the summit cairn.


Angletarn Pikes from Arnison Crag.

Ullswater from the depression between Birks and Arnison Crag.

Ullswater from the depression between Birks and Arnison Crag.


Hartsop Dodd.

The summit cairn on Birks with St Sunday Crag in the cloud.

The summit cairn on Birks with St Sunday Crag in the cloud.


Birks and Ullswater.

St Sunday Crag.

St Sunday Crag.

Ullswater, Gowbarrow Fell and Birk Fell.

Ullswater, Gowbarrow Fell and Birk Fell.


Disappearing into the cloud.

St Sunday Crag summit cairn.

St Sunday Crag summit cairn.

Coming out of the cloud with a view down to Grisedale Tarn.

Coming out of the cloud with a view down to Grisedale Tarn.


Deepdale, the route of decent with some unexpected sunshine.

St Sunday Crag and Deepdale.

St Sunday Crag and Deepdale.


The long ridge of Hartsop above How.


Looking up to The Step on Hart Crag.


Deepdale Beck.

The Step and Link Cove from Deepdale.

The Step and Link Cove from Deepdale.


Outerside and Barrow


Incleborough Hill