Skiddaw Wild Camp

Distance: 10.8km - 6.7 Miles
Ascent: 730m (2395ft)
Duration: Overnight Wild Camp

Another wild camp, this time on the flat area between Skiddaw and Little Man. Great Sunset and Sunrise!

Looking to the rest of the Northern Fells.

Looking to the rest of the Northern Fells.

Pitched the tent, time to run up Skiddaw to catch the sunset.

Pitched the tent, time to run up Skiddaw to catch the sunset.

The distant Isle of Man.

The distant Isle of Man.


Arriving at the first cairn on the summit ridge, and you can already tell its going to be a good sunset.

Bassenthwaite Lake and the Solway Firth.

Bassenthwaite Lake and the Solway Firth.

The sun just setting behind Cairnsmore of Carsphairn (797m) - 60 Miles away.

The sun just setting behind Cairnsmore of Carsphairn (797m) - 60 Miles away.

Skiddaw trig col. Time to head down and then up Skiddaw Little Man.

Skiddaw trig col. Time to head down and then up Skiddaw Little Man.


Keswick all lit up and Derwent Water.


Cockermouth and Workington.

And in close up. Cockermouth looks like a cross from this angle.

And in close up. Cockermouth looks like a cross from this angle.

Silhouetted Skiddaw. Now for the sunrise.

Silhouetted Skiddaw. Now for the sunrise.

The sun rising beyond Carrock Fell and the Pennines.

The sun rising beyond Carrock Fell and the Pennines.

A panorama of the sunrise

A panorama of the sunrise.


Skiddaw Little Man summit several hours later.


Lonscale Fell Wild Camp


Lonscale Fell Wild Camp