Skiddaw via The Edge

Distance: 13.8km (8.57 Miles)
Ascent: 941m (3087ft)
Duration: 3 Hours 24 Minutes

I've been wanted to do Skiddaw again for a little while (even though it hasn't really been that long since I was last up there). I decided to head up The Edge which is a route I have only been up once before.

A view from the very start of the walk over to Setmurthy Fell and the tip of Bassenthwaite Lake.

Southerndale Beck with the ridge of Longside and Ullock Pike.

The views really opening up the higher I climb. Here looking north west to Bassenthwaite Lake and over to Criffel in Scotland.


The Edge - the way I've just come up.

Skiddaw again - but I took this photo hoping you would be able to see how busy it was up along the summit ridge - in the photo I could count 17 people walking along the top.

Ullock Pike summit cairn and view south to Derwent Water.

And the view across to the North Western Fells - the highest one over to the right is Grasmoor.

Minutes later and I'm at Longside.

A slightly clearer view south from Longside.

A cloudy summit of Skiddaw. Hope it lifts by the time I get there!

Carl Side summit cairn with my path in the background heading up to Skiddaw.

The Helvellyn range to the left and Derwent Water to the right.

Carlside Tarn and my route up. Trust me when I say its steeper than it looks!

Carlside Tarn and Skiddaw Little Man.

Now on my way up to Skiddaw and this path offers some superb views back to the ridge that I just walked.

Lots of people at the summit!

I didn't expect it to be quiet today...

The view back along the summit ridge.

Although hazy and the cloud was almost touching the top you can still make out the nice view from the top.

The trig. column with Blencathra to the left in the background.

Back O'Skiddaw - a lovely quiet place to walk.

Sunny Bakestall summit cairn. The best view from this fell is from the other cairn in the photo.

Skiddaw Forest with the Youth Hostel in the small clump of trees in the centre of the photo.

Lovely warm sunshine (something we've had very little of this summer). The view is down the valley from the top of Dash Falls with Binsey in the background.

Dash Falls.

And a final photo of Binsey just before I got back to the car.


Loughrigg Fell

