Pike of Blisco

Distance: 7.12km (4.4 Miles)
Ascent: 623m (2044ft)
Time: 3 Hours 30 Minutes

Pike O' Blisco is a mountain we have seen many times and I've always wanted to climb because of its pointed shape. Today was the day for the climb - although it was a shame the cloud wasn't just a little bit higher!

Crinkle Crags, Bowfell and The Band from the very start of the walk.

Crinkle Crags, Bowfell and The Band from the very start of the walk.

Rossett Pike at the end of Mickleden.

Rossett Pike at the end of Mickleden.

Oxendale with the towering crags high above.

Oxendale with the towering crags high above.


A sunny view back to Great Langdale.

Crinkle Crags and Whorneyside Force.

Crinkle Crags and Whorneyside Force.

Sunshine in Great Langdale.

Sunshine in Great Langdale.


A waterfall right next to the path.

Red Tarn - just before we were lost in the clouds.

Red Tarn - just before we were lost in the clouds.


A break in the clouds from just near the top of Pike O' Blisco.

Windermere is over that'a'way.

Windermere is over that'a'way.


A clearer view of Great Langdale.


A short scramble down.

Cloudy Langdale Pikes.

Cloudy Langdale Pikes.

Mickleden with Rossett Pike to the left and Pike O' Stickle to the right.

Mickleden with Rossett Pike to the left and Pike O' Stickle to the right.


Cathedral Cave


Skelwith Force