Little Mell Fell

Distance: 1.16km - 0.72 Miles
Ascent: 120m (394ft)
Duration: 30 Minutes

A quick walk up to Little Mell Fell before going up Gowbarrow Fell.

Little Mell Fell from The Hause.

Little Mell Fell from The Hause.

A small section of Ullswater.

A small section of Ullswater.


Low cloud all around today with some fells looking misty in the distance.

The surrounding fells from the path to Little Mell Fell.

The surrounding fells from the path to Little Mell Fell.


Ullswater and the slopes up to Arthur's Pike and on up to Loadpot Hill.

The trig col on Little Mell Fell.

The trig col on Little Mell Fell.

Great Mell Fell covered in cloud.

Great Mell Fell covered in cloud.


Gowbarrow Fell.

Ullswater from the decent.

Ullswater from the decent.


Gowbarrow Fell


Todd Crag