Lingmoor Fell

Distance: 5.3km (3.3 Miles)
Ascent: 495m (1624ft)
Time: 2 Hours 30 Minutes

Feeling the exhaustion from all of the fells I have been up recently meant that big fells were out of the question but the low peak called Lingmoor Fell certainly fit the bill!

Steep roads down to the start of Wrynose Pass.

Steep roads down to the start of Wrynose Pass.

Blake Rigg and Blea Tarn.

Blake Rigg and Blea Tarn.


Blea Tarn from the ascent.


Side Pike with the cloudy Langdale Pikes behind.

Blake Rigg and Blea Tarn. Our route back to the car follows the track you can see on the left side of the tarn and along the top.

Blake Rigg and Blea Tarn. Our route back to the car follows the track you can see on the left side of the tarn and along the top.

Atmospheric scenery today in every direction.

Atmospheric scenery today in every direction.

A spectacular looking Wetherlam with very atmospheric clouds and mist.

A spectacular looking Wetherlam with very atmospheric clouds and mist.

Wetherlam from the summit cairn.

Wetherlam from the summit cairn.


Lingmoor Tarn.


The view up to Side Pike.

Bleamoss Beck and Side Pike - With some blue sky!

Bleamoss Beck and Side Pike - With some blue sky!

The Langdale Pikes and Side Pike over Blea Tarn - this was a little unexpected!

The Langdale Pikes and Side Pike over Blea Tarn - this was a little unexpected!

Mickleden and The Band.

Mickleden and The Band.


Todd Crag


Raven Crag