Ling Fell
Distance: 3.81km (2.37 Miles)
Ascent: 234m (768ft)
Duration: 55 Minutes
After walking from Catbells to High Spy I felt that I could do another little walk so went over to Wythop Mill and went up Ling Fell.
Now on the Corpse Road and the views down to Embleton are lovely. Over there on the other side of the valley is Elva Hill and an ancient stone circle.
A view along the track to Sale Fell.
Binsey is cloud covered today - glad I didn't go that way!
Sale Fell and Skiddaw in the background cloud covered.
Ling Fell summit trig column.
A view down to Burthwaite Heights - A birkett fell which I am trying to log now.
The cloud is starting to descend quite a lot now and shortly I think both Sale Fell and Ling Fell will be in cloud.
Last view to Burthwaite Heights.