Kentmere Horseshoe

Distance: 22.6km (14.04 Miles)
Ascent: 1425m (4675ft)
Time: 7 Hours 30 Minutes

It was a nice big walk planned for today but sadly the weather was not playing ball. I had wanted to complete the Kentmere Horseshoe since seeing it online and ticks off a massive 9 peaks in a single walk!

This photo shows how extensive the views were today... This is the Garburn Road.

This photo shows how extensive the views were today... This is the Garburn Road.

Badger Rock - I think this is a good place for bouldering.

Badger Rock - I think this is a good place for bouldering.

Reaching the snowline.

Reaching the snowline.

More snow along the path.

More snow along the path.

Yoke summit. Sadly I didn’t take anymore photos until High Street.

Yoke summit. Sadly I didn’t take anymore photos until High Street.

High Street summit. From here I followed the eastern side of Kentmere over Mardale Ill Bell, Harter Fell, Kentmere Pike and Shipman Knotts back to Kentmere.

High Street summit. From here I followed the eastern side of Kentmere over Mardale Ill Bell, Harter Fell, Kentmere Pike and Shipman Knotts back to Kentmere.


Newlands Round


Red Screes