
Distance: 4.9km (3.04 Miles)
Ascent: 30m (98ft)
Duration: 2 Hours

A walk to Horsey Beach to see the Seals from the village of Horsey to test out the new Camera!

We’ve had a lot of rain recently making the low lying fields flood.

We’ve had a lot of rain recently making the low lying fields flood.

Zooming in on the dunes and a Pillbox.

Zooming in on the dunes and a Pillbox.

A few Seals on the beach.

A few Seals on the beach.

Stunning winter sunshine today!

Stunning winter sunshine today!

Looking south along the coastline. The church on the horizon is Martham.

Looking south along the coastline. The church on the horizon is Martham.

Horsey Windpump.

Horsey Windpump.

Dramatic skies as the sun starts to set.

Dramatic skies as the sun starts to set.


Potter Heigham


Potter Heigham