
Distance: 6.21km (3.85 Miles)
Ascent: 121m (397ft)
Duration: 1 Hour 50 Minutes

This short trip to the Peaks had been organised months ago but sadly due to an emergency operation just a few weeks earlier, many of the plans we had made went out the window but we did manage a short walk around Hope.

We parked just near Hope church and headed through the churchyard to see the ancient crosses.

Hope Church.

One of the ancient crosses in the churchyard. I think this one dates back to the Saxon period.

The morning rain is now beginning to clear with some dramatic clouds around Lose Hill and Win Hill.

Win Hill.

We are now in the Roman Fort and we found this pile of stones near the centre, likely remains of roman buildings.

The rest of the Roman Fort sits an an open platform by the river.

Crossing the River Noe.

Crossing Hope Railway Station.

Looking down the railway line to Lose Hill.

Crossing the river once again back into Hope.


Cley Next The Sea

