Holme Fell

Distance: 6.92km (4.3 Miles)
Ascent: 479m (1572ft)
Duration: 3 Hours 16 Minutes

A lovely little walk up Holme Fell near Coniston whilst we try to dodge the rain.

All is cloudy and grim as we set out from Tilberthwaite.

Raining a little bit now and has been for about 10 minutes.

And then as if by magic the rain stopped for the rest of the walk and the cloud lifted. This photo shows Wetherlam cloud-free.

And over in the distance is Coniston Old Man.

Holme Fell summit. The Cairn for the peak is a little bit further away from the actual top.

Coniston Water from Holme Fell.

And the Far Eastern Fells - the pointed fells are Froswick and Ill Bell.

Pike O'Blisco and the distinctive Langdale Pikes.

Holme Fell cairn with the Langdale Pikes in the distance.

This is the cairn on Ivy Crag.

Sunshine on Black Crag.

Disused Reservoirs below the cairn on Ivy Crag.

The Langdale Pikes and Lingmoor Fell.

Yew Tree Tarn.

And a last view up to Holme Fell. Thats Calf Crag on the left and Long Crag on the right.


Coniston Fells


Stock Ghyll Force