High Tove
Distance: 6.55km - 4.07 Miles
Ascent: 551m (1807ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 30 Minutes
A short, rather wet walk to High Tove and Armboth Fell.
Great How and Clough Head from the start of the climb.
Mist and rain creeping in.
From here on the cloud descended as we walked to the summit.
Summit cairn now in view, not far now.
The cloud lifted as soon at we reached the cairn so we had a little bit of a view.
The view west.
And south towards Eagle Crag.
Armboth Fell summit. What you cant see here is the amount of water under the grass. Lets just say wet feet all round!
High Seat.
Only a couple of stone marking the top of Armboth Fell.
Fisher Crag.
Fisher Crag summit cairn.
We had to sit on Fisher Crag for around 20 minutes just to get this photo. Another angle can be seen from Raven Crag nearby.