Helm Crag

Distance: 9.65km (5.99 Miles)
Ascent: 573m (1880ft)
Duration: 3 Hours 50 Minutes

A walk to Helm Crag and Gibson Knott with my friend Emily who lives locally.

Emily (and Islay) crossing the stepping stones.

A view up Greenburn.

And again but from higher up the opposite fellside.

Gibson Knott from Helm Crag. Thats Far Easedale to the left.

The Howitzer - yes I went to the top and it was much easier than I remember.

Gibson Knott summit cairn looking to Easedale Tarn and Tarn Crag.

This time looking to Calf Crag and Ullscarf.

Far Easedale and Tarn Crag.


Todd Crag


Lodore Falls