Hartest and Brockley

Distance: 15.56km (9.66 Miles)
Ascent: 120m (394ft)
Duration: 3 Hours

Slowly racking up the miles now and soon to be hitting the half way marker on distance and I decided to do a nice, nearly 10 mile walk from Hartest to Brockley. I was lucky enough to see a massive herd of deer too!

Lovely mossy woodland at Hartest.

Lovely mossy woodland at Hartest.

The first herd of deer I saw on the walk. Little did I know there were many more about!

The first herd of deer I saw on the walk. Little did I know there were many more about!

Look how many there were on the top of this field!

Look how many there were on the top of this field!

Brockley Church.

Brockley Church.

Brockley Hall - Reportedly 14th Century and Grade I listed.

Brockley Hall - Reportedly 14th Century and Grade I listed.

An ancient medieval cross base in the church yard at Brockley.

An ancient medieval cross base in the church yard at Brockley.


Hawkedon and Rede

